( Miscellaneous

Info Catalog ( Bit manipulations ( MPI library
 11.7 Miscellanous
  -- Function: gcry_mpi_t gcry_mpi_set_opaque (gcry_mpi_t A, void *P,
           unsigned int NBITS)
      Store NBITS of the value P points to in A and mark A as an opaque
      value (i.e. an value that can't be used for any math calculation
      and is only used to store an arbitrary bit pattern in A).
      WARNING: Never use an opaque MPI for actual math operations.  The
      only valid functions are gcry_mpi_get_opaque and gcry_mpi_release.
      Use gcry_mpi_scan to convert a string of arbitrary bytes into an
  -- Function: void * gcry_mpi_get_opaque (gcry_mpi_t A,
           unsigned int *NBITS)
      Return a pointer to an opaque value stored in A and return its
      size in NBITS.  Note, that the returned pointer is still owned by
      A and that the function should never be used for an non-opaque MPI.
  -- Function: void gcry_mpi_set_flag (gcry_mpi_t A,
           enum gcry_mpi_flag FLAG)
      Set the FLAG for the MPI A.  Currently only the flag
      `GCRYMPI_FLAG_SECURE' is allowed to convert A into an MPI stored
      in "secure memory".
  -- Function: void gcry_mpi_clear_flag (gcry_mpi_t A,
           enum gcry_mpi_flag FLAG)
      Clear FLAG for the big integer A.  Note, that this function is
      currently useless as no flags are allowed.
  -- Function: int gcry_mpi_get_flag (gcry_mpi_t A,
           enum gcry_mpi_flag FLAG)
      Return true when the FLAG is set for A.
  -- Function: void gcry_mpi_randomize (gcry_mpi_t W,
           unsigned int NBITS, enum gcry_random_level LEVEL)
      Set the big integer W to a random value of NBITS, using random
      data quality of level LEVEL.  In case NBITS is not a multiple of a
      byte, NBITS is rounded up to the next byte boundary.
Info Catalog ( Bit manipulations ( MPI library
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