( C API Prepared statement function overview

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 22.2.6 C API Prepared Statement Function Overview
 * Some incompatible changes were made in MySQL 4.1.2.  See 
 C API Prepared statement functions for details.
 The functions available for prepared statement processing are
 summarized here and described in greater detail in a later section.
  C API Prepared statement functions.
 *Function*              *Description*
 *mysql_stmt_affected_rows()* Returns the number of rows changes, deleted, or
                         inserted by prepared `UPDATE', `DELETE', or
                         `INSERT' statement.
 *mysql_stmt_attr_get()*  Get value of an attribute for a prepared
 *mysql_stmt_attr_set()*  Sets an attribute for a prepared statement.
 *mysql_stmt_bind_param()* Associates application data buffers with the
                         parameter markers in a prepared SQL statement.
 *mysql_stmt_bind_result()* Associates application data buffers with
                         columns in the result set.
 *mysql_stmt_close()*     Frees memory used by prepared statement.
 *mysql_stmt_data_seek()* Seeks to an arbitrary row number in a statement
                         result set.
 *mysql_stmt_errno()*     Returns the error number for the last statement
 *mysql_stmt_error()*     Returns the error message for the last
                         statement execution.
 *mysql_stmt_execute()*   Executes the prepared statement.
 *mysql_stmt_fetch()*     Fetches the next row of data from the result
                         set and returns data for all bound columns.
 *mysql_stmt_fetch_column()* Fetch data for one column of the current row of
                         the result set.
 *mysql_stmt_field_count()* Returns the number of result columns for the
                         most recent statement.
 *mysql_stmt_free_result()* Free the resources allocated to the statement
 *mysql_stmt_init()*      Allocates memory for `MYSQL_STMT' structure and
                         initializes it.
 *mysql_stmt_insert_id()* Returns the ID generated for an
                         `AUTO_INCREMENT' column by prepared statement.
 *mysql_stmt_num_rows()*  Returns total rows from the statement buffered
                         result set.
 *mysql_stmt_param_count()* Returns the number of parameters in a prepared
                         SQL statement.
 *mysql_stmt_param_metadata()* Return parameter metadata in the form of a
                         result set.
 *mysql_stmt_prepare()*   Prepares an SQL string for execution.
 *mysql_stmt_reset()*     Reset the statement buffers in the server.
 *mysql_stmt_result_metadata()* Returns prepared statement metadata in the form
                         of a result set.
 *mysql_stmt_row_seek()*  Seeks to a row offset in a statement result
                         set, using value returned from
 *mysql_stmt_row_tell()*  Returns the statement row cursor position.
 *mysql_stmt_send_long_data()* Sends long data in chunks to server.
 *mysql_stmt_sqlstate()*  Returns the SQLSTATE error code for the last
                         statement execution.
 *mysql_stmt_store_result()* Retrieves the complete result set to the client.
 Call `mysql_stmt_init()' to create a statement handle, then
 `mysql_stmt_prepare' to prepare it, `mysql_stmt_bind_param()' to supply
 the parameter data, and `mysql_stmt_execute()' to execute the
 statement. You can repeat the `mysql_stmt_execute()' by changing
 parameter values in the respective buffers supplied through
 If the statement is a `SELECT' or any other statement that produces a
 result set, `mysql_stmt_prepare()' will also return the result set
 metadata information in the form of a `MYSQL_RES' result set through
 You can supply the result buffers using `mysql_stmt_bind_result()', so
 that the `mysql_stmt_fetch()' will automatically return data to these
 buffers. This is row-by-row fetching.
 You can also send the text or binary data in chunks to server using
 `mysql_stmt_send_long_data()'.   `mysql_stmt_long_data()'
 When statement execution has been completed, the statement handle must
 be closed using `mysql_stmt_close()' so that all resources associated
 with it can be freed.
 If you obtained a `SELECT' statement's result set metadata by calling
 `mysql_stmt_result_metadata()', you should also free the metadata using
 Execution Steps
 To prepare and execute a statement, an application follows these steps:
   1. Create a prepared statement handle with `msyql_stmt_init()'.  To
      prepare the statement on the server, call `mysql_stmt_prepare()'
      and pass it a string containing the SQL statement.
   2. If the statement produces a result set, call
      `mysql_stmt_result_metadata()' to obtain the result set metadata.
      This metadata is itself in the form of result set, albeit a
      separate one from the one that contains the rows returned by the
      query. The metadata result set indicates how many columns are in
      the result and contains information about each column.
   3. Set the values of any parameters using `mysql_stmt_bind_param()'.
      All parameters must be set. Otherwise, statement execution will
      return an error or produce unexpected results.
   4. Call `mysql_stmt_execute()' to execute the statement.
   5. If the statement produces a result set, bind the data buffers to
      use for retrieving the row values by calling
   6. Fetch the data into the buffers row by row by calling
      `mysql_stmt_fetch()' repeatedly until no more rows are found.
   7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 as necessary, by changing the parameter
      values and re-executing the statement.
 When `mysql_stmt_prepare()' is called, the MySQL client/server protocol
 performs these actions:
    * The server parses the statement and sends the okay status back to
      the client by assigning a statement ID. It also sends total number
      of parameters, a column count, and its metadata if it is a result
      set oriented statement. All syntax and semantics of the statement
      are checked by the server during this call.
    * The client uses this statement ID for the further operations, so
      that the server can identify the statement from among its pool of
 When `mysql_stmt_execute()' is called, the MySQL client/server protocol
 performs these actions:
    * The client uses the statement handle and sends the parameter data
      to the server.
    * The server identifies the statement using the ID provided by the
      client, replaces the parameter markers with the newly supplied
      data, and executes the statement. If the statement produces a
      result set, the server sends the data back to the client.
      Otherwise, it sends an okay status and total number of rows
      changed, deleted, or inserted.
 When `mysql_stmt_fetch()' is called, the MySQL client/server protocol
 performs these actions:
    * The client reads the data from the packet row by row and places it
      into the application data buffers by doing the necessary
      conversions. If the application buffer type is same as that of the
      field type returned from the server, the conversions are
 If an error occurs, you can get the statement error code, error
 message, and SQLSTATE value using `mysql_stmt_errno()',
 `mysql_stmt_error()', and `mysql_stmt_sqlstate()', respectively.
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