( Errors in 4

Info Catalog ( Errors in 3 ( Bugs ( Open bugs Errors in 4.0 Fixed in a Later MySQL Version
 The following known errors or bugs are not fixed in MySQL 4.0 because
 fixing them would involve changing a lot of code that could introduce
 other even worse bugs. The bugs are also classified as "not fatal" or
    * In `HAVING' you can get a crash or wrong result if you use an
      alias to a `RAND()' function. This is fixed in 4.1.10 but will not
      be fixed in 4.0 because the fix 'may' cause side effects for some
    * In a `UNION', the first `SELECT' determines the type,
      `max_length', and `NULL' properties for the resulting columns.
      This issue is resolved as of MySQL 4.1.1; the property values are
      based on the rows from all `UNION' parts.
    * In `DELETE' with many tables, you can't refer to tables to be
      deleted through an alias. This is fixed as of MySQL 4.1.
    * You cannot mix `UNION ALL' and `UNION DISTINCT' in the same query.
      If you use `ALL' for one `UNION', it is used for all of them.
      This is fixed as of MySQL 4.1.2. The rules for mixed `UNION' types
      are given in  `UNION' UNION.
    * `FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK' does not block `CREATE TABLE', which
      may cause a problem with the binary log position when doing a full
      backup of tables and the binary log.
    * `mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data' behaved like
      `mysqldump --master-data', so the dump was a blocking one. This is
      fixed starting from MySQL 4.1.8.
    * When using the `RPAD()' function (or any function adding spaces to
      the right) in a query that had to be resolved by using a temporary
      table, all resulting strings had rightmost spaces removed (i.e.
      `RPAD()' did not work).
Info Catalog ( Errors in 3 ( Bugs ( Open bugs
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