


       tk - Manipulate Tk internal state


       tk option ?arg arg ...?


       The tk command provides access to miscellaneous elements of Tk's inter-
       nal state.  Most of the information manipulated by  this  command  per-
       tains  to the application as a whole, or to a screen or display, rather
       than to a particular window.  The command can take any of a  number  of
       different forms depending on the option argument.  The legal forms are:

       tk appname ?newName?
              If newName isn't specified, this command returns the name of the
              application  (the name that may be used in send commands to com-
              municate with the application).  If newName is  specified,  then
              the name of the application is changed to newName.  If the given
              name is already in use, then a suffix of the form `` #2'' or  ``
              #3''  is  appended  in  order to make the name unique.  The com-
              mand's result is the name actually chosen.  newName  should  not
              start  with  a  capital letter.  This will interfere with option
              processing, since names starting with capitals are assumed to be
              classes;   as  a result, Tk may not be able to find some options
              for the application.  If sends have been  disabled  by  deleting
              the  send  command, this command will reenable them and recreate
              the send command.                                                |

       tk caret window ?-x x? ?-y y? ?-height                                  |
       height?                          |                                      |
              Sets and queries the caret location for the display of the spec- |
              ified Tk window window.  The caret  is  the  per-display  cursor |
              location  used  for indicating global focus (e.g. to comply with |
              Microsoft Accessibility guidelines), as well as for location  of |
              the  over-the-spot XIM (X Input Methods) or Windows IME windows. |
              If no options are specified, the last values  used  for  setting |
              the  caret  are  return  in option-value pair format.  -x and -y |
              represent window-relative coordinates, and -height is the height |
              of  the  current cursor location, or the height of the specified |
              window if none is given.

       tk scaling ?-displayof window? ?number?
              Sets and queries the current scaling factor used by Tk  to  con-
              vert  between  physical  units  (for example, points, inches, or
              millimeters) and pixels.  The  number  argument  is  a  floating
              point  number  that  specifies the number of pixels per point on
              window's  display.   If  the  window  argument  is  omitted,  it
              defaults to the main window.  If the number argument is omitted,
              the current value of the scaling factor is returned.

              A ``point'' is a unit of measurement  equal  to  1/72  inch.   A
              scaling factor of 1.0 corresponds to 1 pixel per point, which is
              equivalent to a standard 72 dpi monitor.  A  scaling  factor  of
              1.25  would mean 1.25 pixels per point, which is the setting for
              a 90 dpi monitor; setting the scaling factor to 1.25 on a 72 dpi
              monitor  would  cause  everything  in the application to be dis-
              played 1.25 times as large as normal.  The initial value for the
              scaling  factor  is  set  when  the application starts, based on
              properties of the installed monitor, but it can  be  changed  at
              any time.  Measurements made after the scaling factor is changed
              will use the new scaling factor, but  it  is  undefined  whether
              existing  widgets  will resize themselves dynamically to accomo-
              date the new scaling factor.

       tk useinputmethods ?-displayof window?                                  |
       ?boolean?                        |                                      |
              Sets and queries the state of whether Tk should use XIM (X Input |
              Methods) for filtering events.  The resulting state is returned. |
              XIM  is  used  in some locales (ie: Japanese, Korean), to handle |
              special input devices.  This feature is only significant  on  X. |
              If  XIM support is not available, this will always return 0.  If |
              the window argument is omitted, it defaults to the main  window. |
              If  the  boolean  argument  is  omitted,  the  current  state is |
              returned.  This is turned on by default for the main display.    |

       tk windowingsys-                                                        |
       tem                                                      |              |
              Returns the current Tk windowing system, one of x11 (X11-based), |
              win32 (MS Windows), classic (Mac OS Classic), or aqua (Mac OS  X |


       application name, send

Tk                                    8.4                                tk(n)

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