

       libapreq - Apache Request C Library




           This field is an Apache table that holds the parsed contents of GET
           and POST requests.  Example:

            table *data = req->parms;
            ap_table_set(data, "Key", "Value");

       ApacheRequest_set_post_max(req, max)
           Limit the size of POST data.  ApacheRequest_parse will return an
           error code if the size is exceeded:

            int status;
            ApacheRequest *req = ApacheRequest_new(r);

            req->post_max = 1204;
            if((status = ApacheRequest_parse(req)) != OK) {
                char *errmsg = ap_table_get(r->notes, "error-notes");
                return status;

           Disable file uploads.  ApacheRequest_parse will return an error
           code if a file upload is attempted:

            int status;
            ApacheRequest *req = ApacheRequest_new(r);

            req->disable_uploads = 1;
            if((status = ApacheRequest_parse(req)) != OK) {
                char *errmsg = ap_table_get(r->notes, "error-notes");
                return status;

       ApacheRequest_set_temp_dir(req, dir)
           Sets the directory where upload files are spooled.

             char dir[] = "/usr/tmp";
             req->temp_dir = dir;

           Redirects upload data to be processed by the hook.

             req->hook_data = (void *) data;
             req->upload_hook = (int(*)(void*,char*,int,ApacheUpload*)) func;

           In this case


           will be called repeatedly during the file upload instead of writing
           the data to a temp file.

       ApacheRequest *ApacheRequest_new (request_rec *r)

       This function creates a new ApacheRequest object using the given
       request_rec structure:

        ApacheRequest *req = ApacheRequest_new(r);

       int ApacheRequest_parse (ApacheRequest *req)

       If the request method is GET or POST, the query string arguments and
       the client form data will be read, parsed and saved.  In addition, if
       the request method is POST and the Content-type is multipart/form-data,
       the uploaded files will be written to temporary files which can be
       accessed with the upload field names.  The return value is OK on suc-
       cess, otherwise an error code that your handler should return.

       const char *ApacheRequest_param (ApacheRequest *req, const char *key)

       This function will return the value of the given parameter key:

        const char *value = ApacheRequest_param(req, "Key");

       array_header *ApacheRequest_params (ApacheRequest *req, const char

       This function will return an array_header of values for the given
       parameter key:

        array_header *values = ApacheRequest_params(req, "Key");

       char *ApacheRequest_params_as_string (ApacheRequest *req, const char

       This function will format multi-value parmeters into a comma delimited

        char *list = ApacheRequest_params_as_string(req, "Key");

       ApacheUpload *upload = ApacheRequest_upload (ApacheRequest *req)

       If the request Content-type was that of multipart/form-data, this will
       return an ApacheUpload pointer containing the upload data, NULL other-
       wise.  See ApacheUpload.

        ApacheUpload *upload = ApacheRequest_upload(req);


       The ApacheUpload structure holds all information for all uploaded files
       and is accessed via the upload field of an ApacheRequest structure.

           The name of the filefield parameter:

            char *name = upload->name;

           The name of the upload file as reported by the client:

            char *filename = upload->filename;

           A file pointer to the uploaded file:

            FILE *fp = upload->fp;

           The name of the temporary upload file on the server:

           char *tempname = upload->tempname;

           The size of the uploaded file in bytes:

            long size = upload->size;

           The additional header information for the uploaded file:

            table *info = upload->info;
            const char *type = ap_table_get(info, "Content-type");

           Pointer to the next ApacheUpload structure if multiple files were

               ApacheUpload *uptr;
               for (uptr = ApacheRequest_upload(req); uptr; uptr = uptr->next) {
                   char *name = uptr->name;
                   FILE *fp   = uptr->fp;

       ApacheUpload *ApacheUpload_find (ApacheUpload *upload, char *name)

       Returns the ApacheUpload pointer associated with name or NULL if name
       is not found in the list:

        ApacheUpload *upload = ApacheUpload_find(upload, name);

       const char *ApacheUpload_info (ApacheUpload *upload, char *key)

       Shortcut for accessing the info table:

        const char *type = ApacheUpload_info(upload, "Content-Type");

       const char *ApacheUpload_type (ApacheUpload *upload)

       Shortcut for accessing the uploaded file Content-Type:

        const char *type = ApacheUpload_type(upload);


       ApacheCookie *ApacheCookie_new (request_rec *r, ...)

           This function creates a new ApacheCookie object, using the given
           request_request and optional attribute arguments which are as fol-

               Sets the name field to the given value.

               Adds the value to values field.

               Sets the expires field to the calculated date string.  See
               ApacheCookie_expires for a listing of format options.  The
               default is NULL.

               Sets the domain field to the given value.  The default is NULL.

               Sets the path field to the given value.  The default path is
               derived from the requested uri.

               Sets the secure field to true or false using a given string
               value of On or Off.  The default is Off.


            ApacheCookie *c = ApacheCookie_new(r,
                                   "-name",    "foo",
                                   "-value",   "bar",
                                   "-expires", "+3M",
                                   "-domain",  "",
                                   "-path",    "/mypath/database",
                                   "-secure",  "On",

           char *ApacheCookie_attr (ApacheCookie *c, char *key, char *val)

           This function is used to get or set a cookie attribute pair,
           accepting the same attributes as the list above.  Example:

            char *name = ApacheCookie_attr(c, "-name"); /* same as c->name */
            (void *)ApacheCookie_attr(c, "-expires", "+3h");

           ApacheCookieJar *ApacheCookie_parse (request_rec *r, const char

           This function parses the given data string or the incoming Cookie
           header, returning an ApacheCookieJar of ApacheCookie objects.


            int i;
            ApacheCookieJar *cookies = ApacheCookie_parse(r, NULL);
            for (i = 0; i < ApacheCookieJarItems(cookies); i++) {
                ApacheCookie *c = ApacheCookieJarFetch(cookies, i);
                int j;
                for (j = 0; j < ApacheCookieItems(c); j++) {
                    char *name = c->name;
                    char *value = ApacheCookieFetch(c, j);

           int ApacheCookieItems (ApacheCookie *c)

           The number of values for the given cookie.

           char *ApacheCookieFetch (ApacheCookie *c, int n)

           The nth value for the given cookie.

           void ApacheCookieAdd (ApacheCookie *c, char *value)

           Add a new value to the cookie.

           int ApacheCookieJarItems (ApacheCookieJar *cookies)

           The number of cookies in the given cookie jar.

           ApacheCookie *ApacheCookieJarFetch (ApacheCookieJar *cookies, int

           The nth cookie in the given cookie jar.

           void ApacheCookieJarAdd (ApacheCookieJar *cookies, ApacheCookie *c)

           Add a new cookie to the cookie jar.

           char *ApacheCookie_expires (ApacheCookie *c, char *time_str)

           This function gets or sets the expiration date for cookie.  The
           following forms are all valid for the time_str parmeter:

                   +30s                              30 seconds from now
                   +10m                              ten minutes from now
                   +1h                               one hour from now
                   -1d                               yesterday (i.e. "ASAP!")
                   now                               immediately
                   +3M                               in three months
                   +10y                              in ten years time
                   Thursday, 25-Apr-1999 00:40:33 GMT  at the indicated time & date

           void ApacheCookie_bake (ApacheCookie *c)

           Put cookie in the oven to bake.  (Add a Set-Cookie header to the
           outgoing headers table.)


           char *ApacheCookie_as_string (ApacheCookie *c)

           Returns a string version of the cookie:

            ap_table_add(r->headers_out, "Set-Cookie", ApacheCookie_as_string(c));


       * multi-select file uploads are currently unsupported
       * header-folding is unsupported for multipart/form-data
       * newer XML-based MIME-encodings are not supported


       This library is based on Perl modules by Lincoln Stein.


         Copyright 2000-2004  The Apache Software Foundation

         Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
         you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
         You may obtain a copy of the License at


         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
         distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
         WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
         See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
         limitations under the License.

perl v5.8.8                       2004-11-26                       libapreq(3)
See also Apache::libapreq(3)

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