

       PREPARE - prepare a statement for execution


       PREPARE plan_name [ (datatype [, ...] ) ] AS statement


       PREPARE creates a prepared statement. A prepared statement is a server-
       side object that can be used to optimize performance. When the  PREPARE
       statement  is  executed,  the specified statement is parsed, rewritten,
       and planned. When an EXECUTE command is subsequently issued,  the  pre-
       pared  statement  need  only be executed. Thus, the parsing, rewriting,
       and planning stages are only performed once, instead of every time  the
       statement is executed.

       Prepared  statements  can  take parameters: values that are substituted
       into the statement when it is executed. To include parameters in a pre-
       pared  statement, supply a list of data types in the PREPARE statement,
       and, in the statement to be prepared itself, refer to the parameters by
       position  using  $1, $2, etc. When executing the statement, specify the
       actual values for these parameters in the EXECUTE statement.  Refer  to
       EXECUTE [execute(l)] for more information about that.

       Prepared  statements only last for the duration of the current database
       session. When the session ends, the prepared statement is forgotten, so
       it  must  be  recreated before being used again. This also means that a
       single prepared statement cannot be used by multiple simultaneous data-
       base clients; however, each client can create their own prepared state-
       ment to use. The prepared statement can be manually  cleaned  up  using
       the DEALLOCATE [deallocate(l)] command.

       Prepared  statements have the largest performance advantage when a sin-
       gle session is being used to execute a large number of  similar  state-
       ments.  The  performance difference will be particularly significant if
       the statements are complex to plan or  rewrite,  for  example,  if  the
       query  involves  a  join  of many tables or requires the application of
       several rules. If the statement is relatively simple to  plan  and  re-
       write but relatively expensive to execute, the performance advantage of
       prepared statements will be less noticeable.


              An arbitrary name given to this particular  prepared  statement.
              It  must  be  unique within a single session and is subsequently
              used to execute or deallocate a previously prepared statement.

              The data type of a parameter to the prepared statement. To refer
              to  the parameters in the prepared statement itself, use $1, $2,

              Any SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.


       In some situations, the query plan produced for  a  prepared  statement
       will  be  inferior to the query plan that would have been chosen if the
       statement had been submitted and executed  normally.  This  is  because
       when the statement is planned and the planner attempts to determine the
       optimal query plan, the actual values of any  parameters  specified  in
       the  statement  are  unavailable. PostgreSQL collects statistics on the
       distribution of data in the table, and can use  constant  values  in  a
       statement  to  make  guesses  about  the likely result of executing the
       statement. Since this data is unavailable when planning prepared state-
       ments  with  parameters,  the chosen plan may be suboptimal. To examine
       the query plan PostgreSQL has chosen  for  a  prepared  statement,  use
       EXPLAIN [explain(l)].

       For  more information on query planning and the statistics collected by
       PostgreSQL for that purpose, see the  ANALYZE  [analyze(l)]  documenta-


       Create a prepared query for an INSERT statement, and then execute it:

       PREPARE fooplan (int, text, bool, numeric) AS
           INSERT INTO foo VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4);
       EXECUTE fooplan(1, 'Hunter Valley', 't', 200.00);

       Create a prepared query for a SELECT statement, and then execute it:

       PREPARE usrrptplan (int, date) AS
           SELECT * FROM users u, logs l WHERE u.usrid=$1 AND u.usrid=l.usrid
           AND = $2;
       EXECUTE usrrptplan(1, current_date);


       The  SQL  standard includes a PREPARE statement, but it is only for use
       in embedded SQL. This version of the  PREPARE  statement  also  uses  a
       somewhat different syntax.


       DEALLOCATE [deallocate(l)], EXECUTE [execute(l)]

SQL - Language Statements         2005-11-05                         PREPARE()

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