Manual section S

_longjmp - non-local goto
_lwp_cond_broadcast - broadcast a wake up to all LWPs waiting on a condition variable
_lwp_cond_signal - wake up a single LWP waiting on a condition variable
_lwp_cond_timedwait - wait on a condition variable for a limited time
_lwp_cond_wait - wait on a condition variable
_lwp_continue - continue LWP execution
_lwp_create - create a new LWP associated with the current process
_lwp_exit - terminate the calling LWP
_lwp_getprivate - get LWP-specific reference
_lwp_info - get time-accounting information of a single LWP
_lwp_kill - send a signal to a sibling lightweight process
_lwp_makecontext - make an LWP context
_lwp_mutex_lock - lock a mutex
_lwp_mutex_trylock - conditionally lock a mutex
_lwp_mutex_unlock - unlock a mutex
_lwp_self - get current LWP's identifier
_lwp_sema_init - initialize a semaphore
_lwp_sema_post - release a semaphore
_lwp_sema_trywait - conditionally acquire the semaphore
_lwp_sema_wait - acquire a semaphore
_lwp_setprivate - set LWP-specific reference
_lwp_suspend - suspend LWP execution
_lwp_wait - wait for termination of a sibling LWP
_setjmp - non-local goto
_tolower - convert lower case characters to upper case
_toupper - convert upper case characters to lower case
a64l, l64a, l64a_r - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string
abort - generate an abnormal termination signal
abs, labs - return integer absolute value
access - determine accessibility of a file
acct - enable or disable process accounting
acl - manipulate a file's Access Control List (ACL)
aclipc - get or set an IPC object's ACL, return the number of ACL entries
aclsort - sort an Access Control List
addsev - define additional severities
addseverity - build a list of severity levels for an application for use with fmtmsg
adjtime - correct the time to allow synchronization of the system clock
advance - find string in regular expression
alarm - set process alarm clock
altzone - date and time constant
asctime - convert date and time to string
asctime_r - convert date and time to string
atexit - add program termination routine
atof - convert string to double-precision number
atoi - convert ASCII to integer in base 10
atol - convert ASCII to long integer in base 10
atoll - convert ASCII to long long integer in base 10
auditbuf - get or set the audit buffer attributes
auditctl - get or set the status of auditing
auditdmp - write audit record to audit buffer
auditevt - get or set auditable events
auditlog - get or set audit log file attributes
auth_destroy - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
authdes_getucred - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
authdes_seccreate - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
authnone_create - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
authsys_create - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
authsys_create_default - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
basename - return the last element of a path name
bcmp - bit and byte string operations
bcopy - bit and byte string operations
bgets - read stream up to next delimiter
braelist - subexpressions in regular expression
braslist - subexpressions in regular expression
brk, sbrk - change data segment space allocation
bsd_signal - simplified signal facilities
bsearch - binary search a sorted table
bstring: bcopy, bcmp, bzero - bit and byte string operations
bufsplit - split buffer into fields
bzero - bit and byte string operations
calloc - checking memory allocator
catclose - close a message catalogue
catgets - read a program message
catopen, catclose - open/close a message catalog
cfgetispeed - general terminal interface
cfgetospeed - general terminal interface
cfsetispeed - general terminal interface
cfsetospeed - general terminal interface
cg_bind - set a target CPU-Group for a process or its children
cg_current - obtain identifier for the current CPU-Group
cg_ids - return the CPU-Groups in the system
cg_info - get information about a CPU-Group
cg_memloc - determine physical location of memory pages
cg_processors - return the processors within a CPU-Group
chdir, fchdir - change working directory
chmod, fchmod - change mode of file
chown, lchown, fchown - change owner and group of a file
chroot - change root directory
clnt_call - library routines for client side calls
clnt_control - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_destroy - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_dg_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_freeres - library routines for client side calls
clnt_geterr - library routines for client side calls
clnt_pcreateerror - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_perrno - library routines for client side calls
clnt_perror - library routines for client side calls
clnt_raw_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_spcreateerror - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_sperrno - library routines for client side calls
clnt_sperror - library routines for client side calls
clnt_tli_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_tp_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clnt_vc_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
clock - report CPU time used
close - close a file descriptor
closedir - close named directory stream
closelog - close system log
compile - compile regular expression
confstr - obtain configurable string values
conv: toupper, tolower, _toupper, _tolower, toascii - translate characters
copylist - copy a file into memory
copylist, copylist64 - copy a file into memory
copylist64 - copy a file into memory (supports large files)
creat, creat64 - create a new file or rewrite an existing one
creat64 - create a new ordinary file or rewrite an existing one (supports large files)
crypt - encrypt passwords
ctime - convert date and time to string
ctime, ctime_r, localtime, localtime_r, gmtime, gmtime_r, asctime, asctime_r, tzset, timezone, altzone, daylight, tzname - convert date and time to string
ctime_r - convert date and time to string
ctype - character handling
daylight - date and time constant
dbm, dbminit, dbmclose, fetch, store, delete, firstkey, nextkey - database subroutines
dbm_clearerr - clear the error condition of a database
dbm_close - close a database
dbm_delete - delete a record and its key from a database
dbm_error - return the error condition of a database
dbm_fetch - write a record to a database
dbm_firstkey - return the first key in a database
dbm_nextkey - return the next key in a database
dbm_open - open a database
dbm_store - add a record to a database
dbmclose - database subroutines
dbminit - database subroutines
delete - database subroutines
difftime - compute the difference between two calendar times
directory: opendir, readdir, readdir64, readdir_r, readdir64_r, telldir, seekdir, rewinddir, closedir - directory operations
dirname - report the parent directory name of a file path name
div, ldiv, lldiv - compute the quotient and remainder
dladdr - translate address to symbolic information
dlclose - close a shared object
dlerror - get diagnostic information
dlopen - open a shared object
dlsym - get the address of a symbol in shared object
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, lcong48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
dup - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup2 - duplicate an open file descriptor
ecvt - convert floating-point number to string
ecvt, ecvtl, fcvt, fcvtl, gcvt, gcvtl - convert floating-point number to string
ecvtl - convert floating-point number to string
edata - first address above initialized data region
encrypt - access password hashing algorithm
end, etext, edata - last locations in program
endgrent - close the group file
endpwent - close password file
endrpcent - get rpc server entry
endspent - close the shadow password file
endutxent - access utmpx file entry
erand48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
errno - variable set by system calls on error
errno.h - system error numbers and names
etext - first address above program text
exec: execl, execv, execle, execve, execlp, execvp - execute a file
exit, _exit, _Exit - terminate process
facl - manipulate a file's Access Control List (ACL)
fattach - attach STREAMS-based file descriptor to file system object
fcntl - file control
fcvt - convert floating-point number to string
fcvtl - convert floating-point number to string
FD_CLR - remove from descriptor set
FD_ISSET - query descriptor set
FD_SET - add to descriptor set
FD_ZERO - initialize a null descriptor set
fdetach - detach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor
fetch - database subroutines
ffs - find first set bit
fgetgrent - return pointer to next group structure in stream
fgetgrent_r - fill in group structure from next in stream
fgetpos - stores current value of file position indicator for a stream
fgetpos64 - stores current value of file position indicator for a stream (supports large files)
fgetpwent - return pointer to next password structure in stream
fgetpwent_r - fill in password structure from next in stream
fgetspent - return pointer to shadow password entry from next in stream
fgetspent_r - fill in shadow password entry from next in stream
fgetws - get a wchar_t string from a stream
filepriv - set, retrieve, or count the privileges associated with a file
firstkey - database subroutines
fmtmsg - display a message on stderr or system console
fnmatch, _fnmcomp, _fnmexec, _fnmfree - match filename against pattern
fopen, freopen, fdopen - (BSD) open a stream
fork, forkall, fork1 - create a new process
fork1 - create a new process to exec immediately
forkall - create a new process duplicating all threads and LWPs
fpathconf - get configurable pathname variables
fpathconf, pathconf - get configurable pathname variables
fpgetround, fpsetround, fpgetmask, fpsetmask, fpgetsticky, fpsetsticky - IEEE floating-point environment control
free - checking memory allocator
frexp - manipulate floating-point numbers
frexp, frexpf, frexpl, ilogb, ilogbf, ilogbl, ldexp, ldexpf, ldexpl, logb, logbf, logbl, modf, modff, modfl, nextafter, nextafterf, nextafterl, scalb, scalbf, scalbl - manipulate parts of floating-point numbers
frexpf - manipulate floating-point numbers
frexpl - manipulate floating-point numbers
fsetpos - set position of next input/output operation on a stream
fsetpos, fsetpos64, fgetpos, fgetpos64 - reposition a file pointer in a stream
fsetpos64 - set position of next input/output operation on a stream (supports large files)
fstat - get status of an open file
fstat64 - get status of an open file (supports large files)
fstatvfs - get file system information
fstatvfs64 - get file system information (supports large files)
fsync - synchronize a file's in-memory state with that on the physical medium
ftime - get date and time
ftok - standard interprocess communication package
ftruncate - set an open file to a specified length
ftruncate64 - set an open file to a specified length (supports large files)
ftw - walk a file tree
ftw, ftw64, nftw, nftw64 - walk a file tree
ftw64 - walk a file tree (supports large files)
gcvt - convert floating-point number to string
gcvtl - convert floating-point number to string
get_rpc_createerr - get rpc_createerr value
get_rpc_createerr, set_rpc_createerr - get/set rpc_createerr value
getcontext - get current user context
getcwd - get pathname of current working directory
getdate - convert user format date and time
getdents - read directory entries and put in a file system independent format
getdtablesize - get file descriptor table size
getenv - return value for environment name
getgrent - return pointer to group entry
getgrent, getgrent_r, getgrgid, getgrgid_r, getgrnam, getgrnam_r, setgrent, endgrent, fgetgrent, fgetgrent_r - manipulate group file entry
getgrent_r - fill in group structure from next entry
getgrgid - return pointer to group entry matching gid
getgrgid_r - fill in group entry matching gid
getgrnam - return pointer to group entry matching name
getgrnam_r - fill in group entry matching name
getgroups, setgroups - get or set supplementary group access list IDs
gethostid - get an identifier for the current host
gethostname - get name of current host
gethostname, sethostname - get or set name of current host
getitimer - get value of interval timer
getksym - get information for a global kernel symbol
getlogin, getlogin_r - get login name
getmntany - get mnttab file entry
getmntent - get mnttab file entry
getmsg - get next message off a stream
getmsg, getpmsg - get next message off a stream
getnetname - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
getopt: getopt, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - get option letter from argument vector
getpagesize - get system page size
getpass - read a password
getpass_r - read a password
getpid, getpgrp, getppid, getpgid - get process, process group, and parent process IDs
getpmsg - get next message off a stream
getpriority - get program scheduling priority
getpriority, setpriority - get or set program scheduling priority
getpwent - return pointer to password entry
getpwent, getpwent_r, getpwuid, getpwuid_r, getpwnam, getpwnam_r, setpwent, endpwent, fgetpwent, fgetpwent_r - manipulate password file
getpwent_r - fill in password structure from next entry
getpwnam - return pointer to password entry matching login name
getpwnam_r - fill in password entry matching login name
getpwuid - return pointer to password entry matching uid
getpwuid_r - fill in password entry matching uid
getrlimit - get maximum system resource consumption
getrlimit, getrlimit64, setrlimit, setrlimit64 - control maximum system resource consumption
getrlimit64 - get maximum system resource consumption (supports large files)
getrpcbyname - get rpc server entry
getrpcbynumber - get rpc server entry
getrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, setrpcent, endrpcent - get rpc server entry
getrusage - get information about resource utilization
getsid - get session ID
getspent - return pointer to next shadow password entry
getspent, getspent_r, getspnam, getspnam_r, setspent, endspent, fgetspent, fgetspent_r - manipulate shadow password file
getspent_r - fill in spwd structure from next shadow password entry
getspnam - return pointer to shadow password file entry matching name
getspnam_r - fill in shadow password file entry matching name
getsubopt - parse suboptions from a string
gettimeofday - get date and time
gettimeofday, settimeofday - date and time functions
gettxt - retrieve a text string
getuid, geteuid, getgid, getegid - get real user, effective user, real group, and effective group IDs
getut: getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - access utmp file entry
getutmp - access utmpx file entry
getutmpx - access utmpx file entry
getutx: getutxent, getutxid, getutxline, pututxline, setutxent, endutxent, utmpxname, getutmp, getutmpx, updwtmp, updwtmpx - access utmpx file entry
getutxent - access utmpx file entry
getutxid - access utmpx file entry
getutxline - access utmpx file entry
getvfsany - search vfstab file for matching pattern
getvfsent - return pointer to vfstab file entry
getvfsfile - search vfstab file
getvfsspec - search vfstab file
getwd - get current working directory pathname
getwidth - get information on supplementary code sets
getws - get a wide line from standard input
glob, globfree - generate pathnames matching a pattern
gmatch - shell global pattern matching
gmtime - convert date and time to string
gmtime_r - convert date and time to string
grantpt - grant access to the slave pseudo-terminal device
hcreate - manage hash search tables
hdestroy - manage hash search tables
host2netname - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
hsearch, hcreate, hdestroy - manage hash search tables
iconv - codeset conversion function
iconv_close - code conversion deallocation function
iconv_open - code conversion allocation function.
ilogb - manipulate floating-point numbers
ilogbf - manipulate floating-point numbers
ilogbl - manipulate floating-point numbers
index - string operations
initgroups - initialize the supplementary group access list
initstate - initialize a state array
insque, remque - insert/remove element from a queue
Intro - introduction to system calls, error numbers, privileges, large file support, threads, and lightweight processes
intro - introduction to system calls, error numbers, privileges, large file support, threads, and lightweight processes
ioctl - control device
ipsec_set_policy - Manpage of IPSEC_SET_POLICY
ipsec_strerror - Manpage of IPSEC_STRERROR
isalnum - test for alphanumeric character
isalpha - test for alphabetic character
isascii - test for ASCII character
isastream - test a file descriptor
isatty - determine if a file descriptor is a terminal device
isblank - test for blank character
iscntrl - test for control character
isdigit - test for digit character
isencrypt - determine whether a character buffer is encrypted
isgraph - test for printable character except space
islower - test for lowercase character
isnan, isnand, isnanf, finite, fpclass, unordered - determine type of floating-point number
isprint - test for printable character
ispunct - test for punctuation character
isspace - test for space character
isupper - test for uppercase character
iswalnum - test wide characters for alpha or digit class
iswalpha - test wide characters for alpha class
iswcntrl - test wide characters for cntrl class
iswctype, wctype - test wide characters for a particular class.
iswdigit - test wide characters for digit class
iswgraph - test wide characters for graph class
iswlower - test wide characters for lower class
iswprint - test wide characters for print class
iswpunct - test wide characters for punct class
iswspace - test wide characters for space class
iswupper - test wide characters for upper class
iswxdigit - test wide characters for xdigit class
isxdigit - test for hexadecimal digit character
jrand48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
key_decryptsession - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
key_encryptsession - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
key_gendes - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
key_setsecret - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
keyctl - sets and retrieves user and processor limits
kill - send a signal to a process or a group of processes
killpg - send signal to a process group
l3tol, ltol3 - convert between 3-byte integers and long integers
l64a - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string
l64a_r - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string
labs - return integer absolute value
lckpwdf - lock password file
lcong48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
ldexp - manipulate floating-point numbers
ldexpf - manipulate floating-point numbers
ldexpl - manipulate floating-point numbers
ldiv - compute the quotient and remainder
lfind - linear search and update
lfmt, vlfmt - display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services
link - link to a file
llabs - return integer absolute value
lldiv - compute the quotient and remainder
loc1 - first char of match in regular expression
loc2 - first char after match in regular expression
localeconv - get numeric formatting information
localtime - convert date and time to string
localtime_r - convert date and time to string
lockf - record locking on files
lockf, lockf64 - record locking on files
lockf64 - record locking on files (supports large files)
locs - used to stop regular expression matching in a string
logb - manipulate floating-point numbers
logbf - manipulate floating-point numbers
logbl - manipulate floating-point numbers
longjmp - non-local goto
lrand48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lsearch, lfind - linear search and update
lseek, lseek64 - move read/write file pointer
lseek64 - move read/write file pointer (supports large files)
lstat - get file or symbolic link status
lstat64 - get file or symbolic link status (supports large files)
makecontext - modify user context
makedev, major, minor - manage a device number
mallinfo - checking memory allocator
malloc, calloc, free, realloc, memalign, valloc, mallinfo - checking memory allocator
mbchar: mbtowc, wctomb, mblen, mbrtowc, wcrtomb, mbrlen - multibyte character handling
mblen - multibyte character handling
mbrlen - multibyte character handling
mbrtowc - multibyte character handling
mbsinit - test for initial multibyte conversion state
mbsrtowcs - multibyte string functions
mbstowcs - multibyte string functions
mbstring: mbstowcs, wcstombs, mbsrtowcs, wcsrtombs - multibyte string functions
mbtowc - multibyte character handling
memalign - checking memory allocator
memccpy - memory operations
memchr - memory operations
memcmp - memory operations
memcntl - memory management control
memcpy - memory operations
memmove - memory operations
memory: memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memmove, memset - memory operations
memset - memory operations
mincore - determine residency of memory pages
mkdir - make a directory
mkdirp, rmdirp - create, remove directories in a path
mkfifo - create a new FIFO
mknod - make a directory, or a special or ordinary file
mkstemp - make a unique file name
mktemp - make a unique file name
mktime - converts a tm structure to a calendar time
mlock - lock pages in memory
mlockall - lock address space
mmap - map pages of memory
mmap, mmap64 - map pages of memory
mmap64 - map pages of memory (supports large files)
modf - manipulate floating-point numbers
modff - manipulate floating-point numbers
modfl - manipulate floating-point numbers
modload - load a loadable kernel module on demand
modpath - change loadable kernel modules search path
modstat - get information for loadable kernel modules
moduload - unload a loadable kernel module on demand
monitor - prepare execution profile
mount - mount a file system
mprotect - set protection of memory mapping
mrand48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
msgctl - message control operations
msgget - get message queue
msgop: msgsnd, msgrcv - message operations
msync - synchronize memory with physical storage
munlock - unlock pages in memory
munlockall - unlock address space
munmap - unmap pages of memory
nap - suspend execution for a short interval
nbra - number of subexpressions in regular expression
ndbm: dbm_clearerr, dbm_close, dbm_delete, dbm_error, dbm_fetch, dbm_firstkey, dbm_nextkey, dbm_open, dbm_store - database subroutines
netname2host - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
netname2user - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
nextafter - manipulate floating-point numbers
nextafterf - manipulate floating-point numbers
nextafterl - manipulate floating-point numbers
nextkey - database subroutines
nftw - walk a file tree, takes defining flags
nftw64 - walk a file tree, takes defining flags (supports large files)
nice - change priority of a time-sharing process
nl_langinfo - language information
nrand48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
nsdispatch - nsdispatch
offsetof - offset of structure member
open, open64 - open for reading or writing
open64 - open for reading or writing (supports large files)
opendir - open a directory
openlog - open system log
optarg - pointer to start of option argument
opterr - disable getopt error message
optind - index of the next option argument
optopt - value of character that caused getopt error
p2open, p2close - open, close pipes to and from a command
p_online - take a processor online or offline or disable it
pathconf - get configurable pathname variables
pathfind - search for named file in named directories
pause - suspend process until signal
perror - print system error messages
pfmt, vpfmt - display error message in standard format
pipe - create an interprocess channel
plock - lock into memory or unlock process, text, or data
poll - input/output multiplexing
pread - atomic position and read
pread, pread64 - atomic position and read
pread64 - atomic position and read (supports large files)
priocntl - process scheduler control
priocntllist - generalized process scheduler control for a set of LWPs
priocntlset - generalized process scheduler control
processor_bind - bind or unbind to a processor
processor_exbind - exclusively bind or unbind a processor
processor_info - get information about a processor
procpriv - add, retrieve, remove, count, or put privileges associated with the calling process
procprivl - add, remove, count, or put privileges associated with the calling process
profil - execution time profile
pt_close - terminate Host Bus Adapter (HBA) pass-through access
pt_open - initiate Host Bus Adapter (HBA) pass-through access
pt_send - send SCSI commands to Host Bus Adapter (HBA) opened for pass-through access
ptrace - process trace
ptsname - get name of the slave pseudo-terminal device
putenv - change or add value to environment
putmsg - send a message on a stream
putmsg, putpmsg - send a message on a stream
putpmsg - send a message on a stream
putpwent - write password file entry
putspent - write shadow password file entry
pututxline - access utmpx file entry
putws - put a wide line onto standard output
pwrite - atomic position and write
pwrite, pwrite64 - atomic position and write
pwrite64 - atomic position and write (supports large files)
qsort - quicker sort
raise - send signal to program
rand - simple random-number generator
rand, rand_r, srand - simple random-number generator
rand_r - simple random-number generator
random - return psuedo-random number
random: initstate, random, setstate, srandom - pseudorandom number functions
rbt_delete - balanced binary tree operations
rbt_find - balanced binary tree operations
rbt_free - balanced binary tree operations
rbt_init - balanced binary tree operations
rbt_insert - balanced binary tree operations
rbt_walk - balanced binary tree operations
rbtree: rbt_delete, rbt_find, rbt_free, rbt_init, rbt_insert, rbt_walk - manage balanced binary tree
re_comp - compile regular expression
re_comp, re_exec - regular expression handler
re_exec - compare regular expressions
read - read from file
read, readv - read from file
readdir - return pointer to next open directory
readdir64 - return pointer to next open directory (supports large files)
readdir64_r - return pointer to next open directory (supports large files)
readdir_r - return pointer to next open directory
readlink - read the value of a symbolic link
readv - read from file
realloc - checking memory allocator
realpath - returns the real file name
regcmp - compile regular expression
regcmp, regex - regular expression handler
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree - regular expression matching
regerrno - regular expression compile error number
regex - compare regular expressions
regexpr: compile, step, advance - regular expression compile and match routines
reglength - length of compiled regular expression
remove - remove file
remque - remove element from a queue
rename - change the name of a file
rewinddir - reset position of named directory stream
rindex - string operations
rmdir - remove a directory
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc_broadcast - library routines for client side calls
rpc_broadcast_exp - library routines for client side calls
rpc_call - library routines for client side calls
rpc_clnt_auth: auth_destroy, authnone_create, authsys_create, authsys_create_default - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
rpc_clnt_calls: clnt_call, clnt_freeres, clnt_geterr, clnt_perrno, clnt_perror, clnt_sperrno, clnt_sperror, rpc_broadcast, rpc_broadcast_exp, rpc_call - library routines for client side calls
rpc_clnt_create: clnt_control, clnt_create, clnt_destroy, clnt_dg_create, clnt_pcreateerror, clnt_raw_create, clnt_spcreateerror, clnt_tli_create, clnt_tp_create, clnt_vc_create - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
rpc_reg - library routines for registering servers
rpc_svc_calls: rpc_reg, svc_reg, svc_unreg, xprt_register, xprt_unregister - library routines for registering servers
rpc_svc_create: svc_create, svc_destroy, svc_dg_create, svc_fd_create, svc_raw_create, svc_tli_create, svc_tp_create, svc_vc_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
rpc_svc_err: svcerr_auth, svcerr_decode, svcerr_noproc, svcerr_noprog, svcerr_progvers, svcerr_systemerr, svcerr_weakauth - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
rpc_svc_reg: svc_auth_reg, svc_freeargs, svc_getargs, svc_getreqset, svc_getreq_common, svc_getreq_poll, svc_getreq_poll_parallel, svc_getrpccaller, svc_run, svc_run_parallel, svc_sendreply - library routines for RPC servers
rpc_xdr: xdr_accepted_reply, xdr_authsys_parms, xdr_callhdr, xdr_callmsg, xdr_opaque_auth, xdr_rejected_reply, xdr_replymsg - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
rpcb_getaddr - library routines for RPC bind service
rpcb_getmaps - library routines for RPC bind service
rpcb_gettime - library routines for RPC bind service
rpcb_rmtcall - library routines for RPC bind service
rpcb_set - library routines for RPC bind service
rpcb_unset - library routines for RPC bind service
rpcbind: rpcb_getmaps, rpcb_getaddr, rpcb_gettime, rpcb_rmtcall, rpcb_set, rpcb_unset - library routines for RPC bind service
scalb - manipulate floating-point numbers
scalbf - manipulate floating-point numbers
scalbl - manipulate floating-point numbers
secadvise - get kernel advisory access information
secure_rpc: authdes_seccreate, authdes_getucred, getnetname, host2netname, key_decryptsession, key_encryptsession, key_gendes, key_setsecret, netname2host, netname2user, user2netname - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
seed48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
seekdir - set position of next read on directory stream
select, FD_CLR, FD_ISSET, FD_SET, FD_ZERO - synchronous I/O multiplexing
semctl - semaphore control operations
semget - get set of semaphores
semop - semaphore operations
sendv - vectored write to a stream
sendv, sendv64 - vectored write to a stream
sendv64 - 64-bit vectored write to a stream
set_rpc_createerr - set rpc_createerr value
setcat - define default catalog
setcontext - set current user context
setgrent - rewind the group file
sethostname - set name of current host
setitimer - set value of interval timer
setjmp - non-local goto
setkey - access password hashing algorithm
setlabel - define the label for pfmt
setlocale - modify and query a program's locale
setlogmask - set log priority mask
setpgid - set process group ID
setpgrp - set process group ID
setpriority - set program scheduling priority
setpwent - rewind password file for further searches
setregid - set real and effective group IDs
setreuid - set real and effective user IDs
setrlimit - set maximum system resource consumption
setrlimit64 - set maximum system resource consumption (supports large files)
setrpcent - get rpc server entry
setsid - set session ID
setspent - rewind shadow password file for repeated searches
setstate - switch between state arrays
settimeofday - set date and time
setuid, setgid - set user and group IDs
setutxent - access utmpx file entry
shmat - attach shared memory segment
shmctl - shared memory control operations
shmdt - detach shared memory segment
shmget - get shared memory segment identifier
shmop: shmat, shmdt - shared memory operations
sigaction - detailed signal management
sigaddset - add to signal set
sigaltstack - set or get signal alternate stack context
sigdelset - delete from signal set
sigemptyset - initialize empty signal set
sigfillset - initialize signal set to all signals
sighold - add signal to signal mass
sigignore - set signal disposition to SIG_IGN
siginterrupt - allow signals to interrupt system calls
sigismember - query signal set
siglongjmp - a non-local goto with signal state
signal, sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore, sigpause - simplified signal management
sigpause - suspend process until signal is received
sigpending - examine signals that are blocked and pending
sigprocmask - change or examine signal mask
sigrelse - remove signal from signal mass
sigsend, sigsendset - send a signal to a process or a group of processes
sigset - modify signal dispositions
sigsetjmp - a non-local goto with signal state
sigsetops: sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - manipulate sets of signals
sigsuspend - install a signal mask and suspend process until signal
sigwait - wait for a signal to be posted
sleep - suspend execution for interval
srand - simple random-number generator
srand48 - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
srandom - initialize the current state array
stat - get file status
stat, stat64, lstat, lstat64 fstat, fstat64 - get file status
stat64 - get file status (supports large files)
statvfs - get information about mounted filesystems
statvfs, statvfs64, fstatvfs, fstatvfs64 - get file system information
statvfs64 - get information about mounted filesystems (supports large files)
stdipc: ftok - standard interprocess communication package
step - find string in regular expression
stime - set time
store - database subroutines
str: strfind, strrspn, strtrns - string manipulations
strcasecmp - string operations
strcasecmp, strncasecmp - case-insensitive string comparisons
strcat - append copy of one string to another
strccpy, strcadd, strecpy, streadd - copy strings, compressing or expanding escape codes
strchr - return pointer to first (last) occurrence of c
strcmp - compare one string to another
strcoll - string collation
strcpy - copy one string to another
strcspn - return length of initial segment of string1 of characters from (not from) string2
strdup - return pointer to new duplicate string
strerror - get error message string
strfmon - convert monetary value to string
strftime, cftime, ascftime - convert date and time to string
string - string operations
strlen - return number of characters in string
strncasecmp - string operations
strncat - append n characters of one string to another
strncmp - compare n characters of one string to another
strncpy - copy n characters of one string to another
strpbrk - return pointer to first occurrence in string1 of any character in string2
strptime - date and time conversion
strrchr - return pointer to first (last) occurrence of c
strspn - return length of initial segment of string1 of characters from (not from) string2
strstr - locate first occurrence in string1 of sequence from string2
strtod, strtold, atof - convert string to double-precision number
strtok - return pointer of string token
strtok_r - return pointer of string token
strtol, strtoll, strtoul, strtoull, atol, atoll, atoi - convert string to integer
strtold - convert string to double-precision number
strtoll - convert string to long long integer
strtoul - convert string to unsigned long integer
strtoull - convert string to unsigned long long integer
strxfrm - string transformation
svc_auth_reg - library routines for RPC servers
svc_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svc_destroy - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svc_dg_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svc_fd_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svc_freeargs - library routines for RPC servers
svc_getargs - library routines for RPC servers
svc_getreq_common - library routines for RPC servers
svc_getreq_poll - library routines for RPC servers
svc_getreq_poll_parallel - library routines for RPC servers
svc_getreqset - library routines for RPC servers
svc_getrpccaller - library routines for RPC servers
svc_raw_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svc_reg - library routines for registering servers
svc_run - library routines for RPC servers
svc_run_parallel - library routines for RPC servers
svc_sendreply - library routines for RPC servers
svc_tli_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svc_tp_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svc_unreg - library routines for registering servers
svc_vc_create - library routines for dealing with the creation of server handles
svcerr_auth - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
svcerr_decode - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
svcerr_noproc - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
svcerr_noprog - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
svcerr_progvers - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
svcerr_systemerr - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
svcerr_weakauth - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
swab - swap bytes
swapcontext - saves and resets current context
swapctl - manage swap space
symlink - make a symbolic link to a file
sync - update super block
sysconf - get configurable system variables
sysfs - get file system type information
sysi86 - machine-specific functions
sysinfo - get and set system information strings
syslog, openlog, closelog, setlogmask - control system log
tcdrain - general terminal interface
tcflow - general terminal interface
tcflush - general terminal interface
tcgetattr - general terminal interface
tcgetpgrp - general terminal interface
tcgetsid - general terminal interface
tcgetspeed, tcsetspeed - get and set baud rate
tcsendbreak - general terminal interface
tcsetattr - general terminal interface
tcsetpgrp - set terminal foreground process group ID
tcsetspeed - get and set baud rate
tdelete - manage binary search trees
telldir - return current location of named directory stream
termios: tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp, tcgetsid - general terminal interface
tfind - manage binary search trees
time - get time
times - get process and child process times
timezone - date and time constant
toascii - convert characters to 7-bit ASCII
tolower - convert lower case characters to upper case
toupper - convert upper case characters to lower case
towlower - translate characters
towupper - translate characters
truncate - set a file to a specified length
truncate, truncate64, ftruncate, ftruncate64 - set a file to a specified length
truncate64 - set a file to a specified length (supports large files)
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk - manage binary search trees
ttyname - find name of a terminal
ttyname, ttyname_r, isatty - find name of a terminal
ttyname_r - find name of a terminal
ttyslot - find the slot in the utmp file of the current user
twalk - manage binary search trees
tzname - date and time constant
tzset - convert date and time to string
uadmin - administrative control
ualarm - set the interval timer
ulckpwdf - unlock password file
ulimit - get and set user limits
umask - set and get file creation mask
umount - unmount a file system
uname - get name of current UNIX system
unlink - remove directory entry
unlockpt - unlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair
updwtmp - access utmpx file entry
updwtmpx - access utmpx file entry
user2netname - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
usleep - suspend process for interval in microseconds
ustat - get file system statistics
utime - set file access and modification times
utimes - set file access and modification times
utmpxname - access utmpx file entry
valloc - checking memory allocator
vfork - spawn new process in a virtual memory efficient way
wait - wait for child process to stop or terminate
waitid - wait for child process to change state
waitpid - wait for child process to change state
wconv: towupper, towlower - translate characters
wcrtomb - multibyte character handling
wcscat - concatenate two wide character strings
wcschr - scan a wide character string
wcscmp - compare two wide character strings
wcscoll - wide character string comparison using collating information
wcscpy - copy a wide character string
wcscspn - get length of complementary wide substring
wcsftime - convert date and time to wide character string
wcslen - obtain wide character string length
wcsncat - concatenate two wide character strings with bound
wcsncmp - compare two wide character strings with bound
wcsncpy - copy a wide character string with bound
wcspbrk - scan a wide character string for wide characters
wcsrchr - reverse wide character string scan
wcsrtombs - multibyte string functions
wcsspn - obtain the length of a wide substring
wcsstr, wcswcs - find wide substring
wcstod, wcstof, wcstold - convert wide string to floating point value
wcstok - split a wide character string into tokens
wcstol - convert a wide character string to a long integer
wcstoll - convert a wide character string to a long long integer
wcstombs - multibyte string functions
wcstoul - convert a wide character string to an unsigned long integer
wcstoull - convert a wide character string to an unsigned long long integer
wcswcs - find wide substring
wcswidth - determine the number of column positions for a wide character string
wcsxfrm - wide character string transformation
wctob - wide character to byte conversion
wctomb - multibyte character handling
wctype: iswalpha, iswupper, iswlower, iswdigit, iswxdigit, iswalnum, iswgraph, iswspace, iswpunct, iswprint, iswcntrl - test wide characters for a specified class
wcwidth - determine the number of column positions for a wide character
wordexp, wordfree - perform word expansions
write - write on a file
write, writev - write on a file
writev - set of writes on a file
wstring: wscat, wsncat, wscmp, wsncmp, wscpy, wsncpy, wslen, wschr, wsrchr, wspbrk, wsspn, wscspn, wstok, wstostr, strtows - wchar_t string operations and type transformation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr_accepted_reply - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_admin: xdr_getpos, xdr_inline, xdrrec_eof, xdr_setpos - library routines for external data representation
xdr_array - library routines for external data representation
xdr_authsys_parms - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_bool - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_bytes - library routines for external data representation
xdr_callhdr - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_callmsg - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_char - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_complex: xdr_array, xdr_bytes, xdr_opaque, xdr_pointer, xdr_reference, xdr_string, xdr_union, xdr_vector, xdr_wrapstring - library routines for external data representation
xdr_create: xdr_destroy, xdrmem_create, xdrrec_create, xdrstdio_create - library routines for external data representation stream creation
xdr_destroy - library routines for external data representation stream creation
xdr_double - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_enum - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_float - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_free - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_getpos - library routines for external data representation
xdr_inline - library routines for external data representation
xdr_int - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_long - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_opaque - library routines for external data representation
xdr_opaque_auth - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pointer - library routines for external data representation
xdr_reference - library routines for external data representation
xdr_rejected_reply - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_replymsg - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_setpos - library routines for external data representation
xdr_short - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_simple: xdr_bool, xdr_char, xdr_double, xdr_enum, xdr_float, xdr_free, xdr_int, xdr_long, xdr_short, xdr_u_char, xdr_u_long, xdr_u_short, xdr_void - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_sizeof - library routine for external data representation
xdr_string - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_char - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_u_long - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_u_short - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_union - library routines for external data representation
xdr_vector - library routines for external data representation
xdr_void - library routines for external data representation of primitive types
xdr_wrapstring - library routines for external data representation
xdrmem_create - library routines for external data representation stream creation
xdrrec_create - library routines for external data representation stream creation
xdrrec_eof - library routines for external data representation
xdrstdio_create - library routines for external data representation stream creation
xprt_register - library routines for registering servers
xprt_unregister - library routines for registering servers
yp_all - NIS client interface
yp_bind - NIS client interface
yp_first - NIS client interface
yp_get_default_domain - NIS client interface
yp_master - NIS client interface
yp_match - NIS client interface
yp_next - NIS client interface
yp_order - NIS client interface
yp_unbind - NIS client interface
yp_update - change NIS information
ypclnt: yp_get_default_domain, yp_bind, yp_unbind, yp_match, yp_first, yp_next, yp_all, yp_order, yp_master, yperr_string, ypprot_err - NIS client interface
yperr_string - NIS client interface
ypprot_err - NIS client interface