
Increment the version number after release. (doc/News.htm []:
2003/04/08 11:05:47 giles)

Apply standard FSF license banner to files missed the 7.06 release. Patch
from Brett Smith. (doc/Readme.htm []: 2003/04/12 14:02:38

Update the version and data for the 7.07 release.
(doc/API.htm [], doc/C-style.htm [],
doc/DLL.htm [], doc/Develop.htm [],
doc/Devices.htm [], doc/Drivers.htm [],
doc/Fonts.htm [], doc/Helpers.htm [],
doc/History1.htm [], doc/History2.htm [],
doc/History3.htm [], doc/History4.htm [],
doc/History5.htm [], doc/History6.htm [],
doc/History7.htm [], doc/Htmstyle.htm [],
doc/Install.htm [], doc/Issues.htm [],
doc/Language.htm [], doc/Lib.htm [],
doc/Maintain.htm [], doc/Make.htm [],
doc/New-user.htm [], doc/News.htm [],
doc/Projects.htm [], doc/Ps-style.htm [],
doc/Ps2epsi.htm [], doc/Ps2pdf.htm [],
doc/Psfiles.htm [], doc/Readme.htm [],
doc/Release.htm [], doc/Source.htm [],
doc/Unix-lpr.htm [], doc/Use.htm [],
doc/Xfonts.htm [], doc/gs-vms.hlp [],
man/dvipdf.1 [], man/font2c.1 [],
man/gs.1 [], man/gslp.1 [],
man/gsnd.1 [], man/pdf2dsc.1 [],
man/pdf2ps.1 [], man/pdfopt.1 [],
man/pf2afm.1 [], man/pfbtopfa.1 [],
man/printafm.1 [], man/ps2ascii.1 [],
man/ps2epsi.1 [], man/ps2pdf.1 [],
man/ps2pdfwr.1 [], man/ps2ps.1 [],
man/wftopfa.1 []: 2003/05/17 14:38:59 giles)

Update the release notes. (doc/News.htm []: 2003/05/17 14:44:22


Increment the version number after release. (version.mak []:
2003/04/08 11:05:47 giles)

Apply standard FSF license banner to files missed the 7.06 release. Patch
from Brett Smith. (toolbin/3way.tcl [],
toolbin/ [], toolbin/errlist.tcl [],
toolbin/gsindent [], toolbin/gsmake.tcl [],
toolbin/gssubst [], toolbin/headers.tcl [],
toolbin/leaks.tcl [], toolbin/makegnu.tcl [],
toolbin/makeset.tcl [], toolbin/many2pdf.tcl [],
toolbin/ [], toolbin/pre [],
toolbin/precheck.tcl [], toolbin/suite.tcl [],
toolbin/tmake.tcl []: 2003/04/12 14:02:39 giles)

Add the bbox device to the default macos shlib build. Bug 686811.
(macos-mcp.mak []: 2003/04/27 23:50:11 giles)

Add the display device to the default macos shlib build.
(macos-mcp.mak []: 2003/04/27 23:52:55 giles)

Log message: For the pngalpha device, set the default background color to
white in the bKGD chunk. Add an option -dBackgroundColor=16#RRGGBB to
explicitly set the background color. This is needed by a common web browser
that doesn't correctly support PNG with alpha transparency. DETAILS:
Programs that don't fully support alpha transparency let libpng convert an
RGBA image to RGB. The background color used is either provided by the
program, or in the bKGD chunk, or it falls back to gray. MSIE was defaulting
to a gray background which is not commonly used on web pages. By writing a
white bKGD chunk, PNG files will display correctly against a white
background in MSIE. If a solid color for a web page background is used with
<body bgcolor="#CCCC00">, then PNG images appearing on that page would
need to be created with -dBackgroundColor=16#CCCC00. For textured background
there is no hope. Microsoft needs to fix Internet Explorer.
(libpng.mak []: 2003/05/15 10:05:29 ghostgum)

Update the version and data for the 7.07 release.
(version.mak []: 2003/05/17 14:39:00 giles)


Apply standard FSF license banner to files missed the 7.06 release. Patch
from Brett Smith. (lib/Fontmap.ATB [],
lib/Fontmap.ATM [], lib/Fontmap.GS [],
lib/Fontmap.OS2 [], lib/Fontmap.SGI [],
lib/Fontmap.Sol [], lib/Fontmap.Ult [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ []: 2003/04/12
14:02:38 giles)

Avoid calling a null pgsdll_callback, as can happen with the new client api
and CHECK_INTERRUPTS. This fix affects primarily MacOS; similar protections
are already in place for other platforms, although the global was not
explicitly initialized to null. Also return EOFC in the mac stdio stream
process if no callback is defined. Closes bug 686768. Also backports some
code cleanup from HEAD. (gp_mac.c [], gp_macio.c []:
2003/04/12 16:37:26 giles)

Add a missing variable declaration for VMS. Patch from Forrest Cahoon and
Jouk Jansen. (gp_vms.c []: 2003/04/14 13:58:04 giles)


Avoid calling a null pgsdll_callback, as can happen with the new client api
and CHECK_INTERRUPTS. This fix affects primarily MacOS; similar protections
are already in place for other platforms, although the global was not
explicitly initialized to null. Also return EOFC in the mac stdio stream
process if no callback is defined. Closes bug 686768. Also backports some
code cleanup from HEAD. (gdevmac.c []: 2003/04/12 16:37:26 giles)

In the display device, store the line pointers separately from the bits, so
that the bits can be placed in special memory (e.g. allocated in video
memory). Fixes Bug 686780 display_memalloc() asks for too much memory. If
reopening the display device fails after setting the callback, display an
error message. Allocate the large display bitmap using a low level allocator
to avoid exceeding the memory limit of the previously used device stable
memory allocator. Fixes bugs 686836 "-r doesn't work" and duplicate 686838
"Ghostscript doesn't do anything". DETAILS: The display memory device and
the raster including line pointers was allocated using the stable allocator
of the display device. This had a limit of 1Mbyte, which was exceeded when
the resolution was greater then 114dpi. This would cause subsequent
allocations to fail, but it appears that nothing else tried to use this
allocator after the display device. The display device was changed to
allocate the line pointers separately to allow the raster to be allocated in
special memory, e.g. video memory or shared memory. This caused the
subsequent allocation of the line pointers to fail when resolution exceeded
114dpi. The modified code now allocates the raster with
gs_alloc_byte_array_immovable, which allocates directly from the C heap, not
subject to any memory limit apart from the overall -K limit if specified,
and is not subject to garbage collection. The normal allocator now has
sufficient memory to allocate the line pointers without problem. The raster
pointer is removed from the pointers that are enumerated during garbage
collection. (gdevdsp.c []: 2003/05/01 10:06:26 ghostgum)

Log message: For the pngalpha device, set the default background color to
white in the bKGD chunk. Add an option -dBackgroundColor=16#RRGGBB to
explicitly set the background color. This is needed by a common web browser
that doesn't correctly support PNG with alpha transparency. DETAILS:
Programs that don't fully support alpha transparency let libpng convert an
RGBA image to RGB. The background color used is either provided by the
program, or in the bKGD chunk, or it falls back to gray. MSIE was defaulting
to a gray background which is not commonly used on web pages. By writing a
white bKGD chunk, PNG files will display correctly against a white
background in MSIE. If a solid color for a web page background is used with
<body bgcolor="#CCCC00">, then PNG images appearing on that page would
need to be created with -dBackgroundColor=16#CCCC00. For textured background
there is no hope. Microsoft needs to fix Internet Explorer.
(gdevpng.c []: 2003/05/15 10:05:29 ghostgum)

PDF Interpreter

Apply standard FSF license banner to files missed the 7.06 release. Patch
from Brett Smith. (lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ []: 2003/04/12
14:02:39 giles)


Increment the version number after release. (lib/ []:
2003/04/08 11:05:47 giles)

Apply standard FSF license banner to files missed the 7.06 release. Patch
from Brett Smith. (examples/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ [], lib/ [],
lib/ []: 2003/04/12 14:02:38 giles)

Sort the list of devices in the output of 'gs -h' so they're easier to read.
List the default device separately as it's no longer first. Based on a patch
from Nelson Beebe. Closes bug 416746. Also correct a warning in argproc().
(imainarg.c []: 2003/04/12 16:43:14 giles)

In the display device, store the line pointers separately from the bits, so
that the bits can be placed in special memory (e.g. allocated in video
memory). Fixes Bug 686780 display_memalloc() asks for too much memory. If
reopening the display device fails after setting the callback, display an
error message. Allocate the large display bitmap using a low level allocator
to avoid exceeding the memory limit of the previously used device stable
memory allocator. Fixes bugs 686836 "-r doesn't work" and duplicate 686838
"Ghostscript doesn't do anything". DETAILS: The display memory device and
the raster including line pointers was allocated using the stable allocator
of the display device. This had a limit of 1Mbyte, which was exceeded when
the resolution was greater then 114dpi. This would cause subsequent
allocations to fail, but it appears that nothing else tried to use this
allocator after the display device. The display device was changed to
allocate the line pointers separately to allow the raster to be allocated in
special memory, e.g. video memory or shared memory. This caused the
subsequent allocation of the line pointers to fail when resolution exceeded
114dpi. The modified code now allocates the raster with
gs_alloc_byte_array_immovable, which allocates directly from the C heap, not
subject to any memory limit apart from the overall -K limit if specified,
and is not subject to garbage collection. The normal allocator now has
sufficient memory to allocate the line pointers without problem. The raster
pointer is removed from the pointers that are enumerated during garbage
collection. (idisp.c []: 2003/05/01 10:06:26 ghostgum)

Security fixes. Add detection of %pipe% device when in SAFER mode. Also fix
detection of 'renamefile' to prevent rename from a file that is not on the
PermitFileControl list. (zfile.c []: 2003/05/17 14:28:33 ray)


Increment the version number after release. (gscdef.c []:
2003/04/08 11:05:47 giles)

Update the version and data for the 7.07 release. (gscdef.c []:
2003/05/17 14:39:00 giles)


Test the optimization compiler flag '-O2' before using it since some vendor
compilers have different syntax. ( [], []: 2003/04/16 13:59:56 giles)

Include the bbox device in the default autoconf build.
( []: 2003/04/29 18:33:31 giles)