The Account Manager interface
The Account Manager allows you to create or modify user accounts.
You can start the Account Manager in any of these ways:
Double-click on the Account Manager icon in the
System Administration window on the Desktop.
Start the SCOadmin launcher by entering scoadmin
on the command line, then selecting Account Manager.
Enter scoadmin account manager on the command line
(or abbreviate to scoadmin a).
For more information on using SCOadmin managers, see
``Administering your system with SCOadmin''.

The main display of the Account Manager includes a
list of accounts on the system. The icons (or characters)
in the ``Status'' column indicate the type of account and
its status. By default, the Status information is not
displayed to keep startup time to a minimum. To display
status information, select Show Status from the
Options menu.
If you have a large number of accounts on the system,
the collection of status information takes a long time
and will delay startup of the Account Manager.
We recommend not using the Show Status selection
under these circumstances.
You can display a list of groups on the
system by selecting Groups from the View menu.

Account Manager status icons
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Administering user accounts
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003