Tools reference

sar -- system activity reporter

sar(ADM) provides information that can help you understand how system resources are being used on your system. This information can help you solve and avoid serious performance problems on your system.

The individual sar options are described on the sar(ADM) manual page.

For systems with an SCO SMP License, mpsar(ADM) reports systemwide statistics, and cpusar(ADM) reports per-CPU statistics.

The following table summarizes the functionality of each sar, mpsar, and cpusar option that reports an aspect of system activity:

sar, cpusar, and mpsar options

Option Activity reported
-a file access operations
-A summarize all reports
-b buffer cache
-B copy buffers
-c system calls
-d block devices including disks and all SCSI peripherals
-F floating point activity (mpsar only)
-g serial I/O including overflows and character block usage
-h scatter-gather and physical transfer buffers
-I inter-CPU interrupts (cpusar and mpsar only)
-j interrupts serviced per CPU (cpusar only)
-L latches
-m System V message queue and semaphores
-n namei cache
-O asynchronous I/O (AIO)
-p paging
-q run and swap queues
-Q processes locked to CPUs (cpusar and mpsar only)
-r unused memory and swap
-R process scheduling
-S SCSI request blocks
-u CPU utilization (default option for all sar commands)
-v kernel tables
-w paging and context switching
-y terminal driver including hardware interrupts

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© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003