Getting the process ID (MenuKillCB)

The first callback, MenuKillCB, is invoked
each time a user selects Kill Selected from
the Process menu, or double-clicks on an
item in the process list.
This callback must:
Obtain the process ID (PID) of
the process that the user selected.
Display the question dialog.
All callbacks are passed a parameter named cbs.
The cbs parameter is a callback structure and contains various
useful information.
At the least, cbs contains the handle of
the calling widget and the handle of the dialog in which the calling
widget was located.
It may also contain other information, depending on the
type of widget that called it. For example, if it was called from
a text widget, cbs would also contain the widget's associated
text string.
Next topic:
About keyed lists and the callback structure (cbs)
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Reviewing the Main routine
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003