The facility access modes and flags:
The mode consists of 11 characters that are interpreted as follows:
The first two characters are:
if a process is waiting on a
if a process is waiting on a
if the associated shared memory segment has been removed.
It will disappear when the last process attached to the segment
detaches it;
if the associated shared memory segment is to be cleared when the
first attach is executed;

if the corresponding special flag is not set.
The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three bits each.
The first set refers to the owner's permissions;
the next to permissions of others in the user-group of the facility entry;
and the last to all others.
Within each set, the first character indicates permission to read,
the second character indicates permission to write
or alter the facility entry,
and the last character is currently unused.
The permissions are indicated as follows:
if read permission is granted
if write permission is granted
if alter permission is granted

if the indicated permission is not granted