Developing applications over TCP/IP using Internet sockets

Creating a socket (Internet domain)

This section describes the socket(SSC) system call and the three most commonly used socket types.

A socket is the basic building block for communication, providing an endpoint to which a name may be bound. Sockets function either as clients or servers. A server typically advertises some service at a well-known address and waits for clients to request connections. Clients requiring a particular service attempt to connect to a server at the server's advertised transport address.

Sockets are created within a communications domain much as files are created within a filesystem. A socket is created with a call to the socket system call:

s = socket (domain, type, protocol)

The call returns a socket descriptor that is used in system calls operating on the socket. The domain parameter, also called ``family'', refers to the protocol family within which communication takes place. For the Internet address family, the domain is AF_INET.

The socket type is one of:

provides access to underlying communications protocols and are intended for network software developers. This type is available only to root.

provides unreliable, connectionless transmission in individually addressed datagrams.

provides reliable, full-duplex, connection-oriented transmission in which data flows through the socket as a stream of characters. This is the most commonly used socket type.
protocol specifies a particular protocol to be used with the socket. A value of 0 in this field causes protocol to be selected based on type. For example, with socket type SOCK_STREAM in address family AF_INET, protocol is always TCP. All arguments to the socket routine are integers.
Next topic: Address Structures and Routines (Internet domain)
Previous topic: Socket Tutorial (Internet domain)

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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003