Selecting a drawing tool
Multiple painting tools, located on the left side of the
Paint accessory's window, are available to help you create
and edit pictures. You can only select one tool at a time.
All tools affect the drawing area beyond the drawing window
while you are using them.
To select a tool, click on it.

Select Area-
Select part of your picture for copying,
cutting, deleting, duplicating, or moving. Press the <Shift> key
while using this tool to select a square area.

Draw a straight line.
Press the <Shift> key to draw the line horizontally,
vertically, or at a 45-degree angle.

Draw freehand (like with a pencil).
Press the <Shift> key to draw the line horizontally or vertically.

Fill an area with a specified color.

Erase an area (fill it with the background color).

Add text to the drawing area.

Draw filled rectangle or rectangle border. Press the <Shift> key
while using this tool to draw a square rather than a rectangle.

Draw filled oval or oval border. Press the <Shift> key while using this
tool to draw a circle rather than an oval.

Hot spot-
Determine the hot spot when creating a pointer icon.
A hot spot is the reference point of a pointer icon.
For example, the tip of an arrow or the center of a cross
are appropriate hot spots.

Line width-
Select line width.
See also:
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SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003