Custom Distribution Mastering Toolkit

Creating CDMT input files

The CDMT input files define how the CDMT tools create your custom-installable software distribution.

For each product, you must create three types of CDMT input files:

Product description file (.prd)
contains information about the entire product and its components.

In ``Example product description file (WServer.prd)'', the WServer.prd file describes the product to which the WServer component belongs.

Component description file (.cmpnt)
contains information about the entire component and specifies the component structure, size of the component, and each package. Use this file to define component-wide default attributes for directories, files, links and symbolic links.

In ``Example component description file (WServer.cmpnt)'', the WServer.cmpnt file describes the WServer component.

Package description file (.pkg)
contains information about packages and files in the component. Use this file to define information about each file in the distribution, such as owner, group, permissions, and exportPath. You can specify all the package descriptions in one file or create a separate file for each package.

NOTE: The package description file corresponds to the file and package specification sections of the old SMT PERMLIST.

In ``Example package description file (WServer.pkg)'', the WServer.pkg file describes some of the packages in the WServer component.

For details on the format of these CDMT input files, see cdmtInput(CDMT).

Create the CDMT input files and place them in $CDMT_DIR/input. For example:


You can also use the cdmtConvert(CDMT) tool to generate the CDMT input files from a list of relative pathnames output from find(C).

Once you create the CDMT input files, you are ready to run the CDMT tools to create and populate the SSO tree. The following examples are product, component, and package description files for the WServer product.

Example product description file (WServer.prd)

    description     ="Widget Server"
    # $WServer_VER is a CDMT macro defined in the cdmt.config file.
    version         =$WServer_VER
    packages        =SCO:WServer
    # $WServer_DIR is defined in cdmt.config.
    cmpntFiles      =$WServer_DIR/input/WServer.cmpnt

Example component description file (WServer.cmpnt)

    description        = "Widget Server"
    # $WServer_VER is a CDMT macro defined in the cdmt.config file.
    version            = $WServer_VER
    subpackages        = WSERVER,EXAMPLES
    # $WServer_DIR is defined in cdmt.config.
    distTreeRoot       = $WServer_DIR
    # distTreeRootSHARED specifies where the shared files are located
    distTreeRootSHARED = $WServer_DIR
    # distTreeRootCLIENT specifies where the non-shared files are located
    distTreeRootCLIENT = $WServer_DIR
    pkgFiles           = $WServer_DIR/input/WServer.pkg

FILE_DEFAULT: perms = 444 owner = bin group = bin

DIR_DEFAULT: perms = 755 owner = bin group = bin

Example package description file (WServer.pkg)

(This example describes only a few of the packages in the WServer component.)

    description        = "WServer component definition files"
    # $WServer_DIR is defined in cdmt.config.
    distTreeRoot       = $WServer_DIR
    # distTreeRootSHARED specifies where the shared files are located
    distTreeRootSHARED = $WServer_DIR
    # distTreeRootCLIENT specifies where the non-shared files are located
    distTreeRootCLIENT = $WServer_DIR

DIR:WSERVER:SHARED:./cntl: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin

FILE:WSERVER:SHARED:./cntl/ccs: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin

PKG:WSERVER: description = "Widget Server" distTreeRoot = $WServer_DIR distTreeRootSHARED = $WServer_DIR distTreeRootCLIENT = $WServer_DIR

DIR:WSERVER:SHARED:./bin: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin

FILE:WSERVER:SHARED:./bin/xm_wserver: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin exportPath = /bin/xm_wserver

DIR:WSERVER:CLIENT:./usr: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin

DIR:WSERVER:CLIENT:./usr/lib: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin

DIR:WSERVER:CLIENT:./usr/lib/X11: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin

DIR:WSERVER:CLIENT:./usr/lib/X11/app-defaults: perms = 0755 owner = bin group = bin

FILE:WSERVER:CLIENT:./usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/WServer: perms = 0444 owner = bin group = bin exportPath = ./lib/X11/app-defaults/WServer . . .

Next topic: Creating and populating the SSO tree
Previous topic: Setting up the CDMT environment

© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003